1. Introduction to U.P. Agriculture Online License System.
2. Procedure to Apply for Seed Retail Store License in Uttar Pradesh.
3. Procedure to Apply for Pesticide Retail Store License in Uttar Pradesh.
4. Procedure to Apply for Fertilizer Retail Store License in Uttar Pradesh.
5. Qualification for Seed/Pesticide/Fertilizer License in Uttar Pradesh.
If you are planning to start a retail business in seed, pesticide, or fertilizer in Uttar Pradesh, you need to obtain a license from the Agriculture Department of Uttar Pradesh. The U.P. Agriculture Online License System has made the process easier by providing online license application facilities.
In this article, we will guide you through the procedure to obtain a seed, pesticide, or fertilizer retail store license in Uttar Pradesh. In this article, we will guide you through the procedure to obtain a seed, pesticide, or fertilizer retail store license in Uttar Pradesh.
1. Go to http://upagriculture.com and click on the "जनहित गारन्टी" link to access the U.P. Agriculture Online Licensing System.
2. On the home page, select "Apply for New Seed Dealer License" to apply for a retail dealer license (DAO district level) or click "Apply for New Manufacture License" to apply for a manufacture license (state level).
3. Fill in the application form with mandatory fields marked as '*'. You will need to attach all necessary documents and provide communication details such as mobile number and email.
4. After submitting the application form, note down the application number for future references.
5. You can check the status of your application by logging in to the user dashboard.
1. Go to http://upagriculture.com and click on the "जनहित गारन्टी" link to access the U.P. Agriculture Online Licensing System.
2. Select "Apply for New Pesticide Dealer License" to apply for a retail dealer license (DAO district level) or click "Apply for New Manufacture License" to apply for a manufacture license (state level).
3. Fill in the application form with mandatory fields marked as '*'. You will need to attach all necessary documents and provide communication details such as mobile number and email.
4. After submitting the application form, note down the application number for future references.
5. You can check the status of your application by logging in to the user dashboard.
1.Go to http://upagriculture.com and click on the "जनहित गारन्टी" link to access the U.P. Agriculture Online Licensing System.
2. Select "Apply for New Fertilizer Dealer License" to apply for a retail dealer license (DAO district level) or click "Apply for New Manufacture License" to apply for a manufacture license (state level).
3. Fill in the application form with mandatory fields marked as '*'. You will need to attach all necessary documents and provide communication details such as mobile number and email.
4. After submitting the application form, note down the application number for future references.
5. You can check the status of your application by logging in to the user dashboard.